"...her secret is patience..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 7, 2014

BEA 2014 Recap!

   Hello lovelies,

   I know, I know, FINALLY. A lot of you have been asking for a recap, but I really didn't want to post one until I filmed my BEA Book Haul. Well, I guess it'll have to be a different post, because here we go.

   Day Before.

In a cab from the airport. 
   I got into NYC on Wednesday, around 17:00, and didn't get to my hotel till about 18:00-18:30. My CP, Amy, was already in town and she went to the Teen Author Carnival. After situating myself at the hotel, that's where I headed to meet up with her and go to dinner. Getting there meant taking the Subway...by MYSELF. I walked over to Times Square (which is about seven minutes walk from the hotel) and got on the train. JUST LIKE A NEW YORKER. BOOM.
Just taking a stroll.

   I met some authors at the carnival, but ended up taking a picture with Jen and Cara only. I know, I'm horrible. Julie Kagawa was there as well! They're all such sweethearts, I can't even.
Jen Jen!!! 
The amazing Cara!!! 
   Afterwards, we went out to Mac Bar for dinner. Amy introduced me to DJ (who is the nicest ever) and Liz (she has amazing hair). New friends, yay!

   Day One. 

   Or another name would be- LET THE MADNESS BEGIN.

The coolest CP around, Amy!
   This was my first year at BEA, so I had no idea what was going on. Amy and I walked over to the event together, since we were staying in the same hotel, and started out our day with Starbucks. Bless the book people and their love for coffee! Also, I might've freaked out over the fact that my badge said Author! :)

   I created a list of events I wanted to go to, but let me tell you, that only worked for a few. It's so different once you're there and the energy is flowing and you just want to be everywhere at once. Amy and I separated randomly throughout the day, but ended up sitting in a few lines together.
   The Harlequin Teen lines was nuts, but we actually got there in time to get to meet everyone.

   I also got to meet R.L.Stine which was such a huge deal for me, I can't even describe it. When I first came to America, I read a lot of his books and Christopher Pike's. It was fun to chat with R.L. Stine about Russia (since his grandparents are from there) and we even got to take a picture!

   The other HUGE highlight of the day was meeting Brenda Pandos face to face (FINALLY). We've been reading each others books for years and have never met. I spent a good hour trying to find the Amazon Publishing booth and when I finally did, Brenda found me! She is seriously one of my favorite people and I'm so excited we were able to meet up.
Such a sweetheart!
   There were a few "big" names around, so I took pictures walking by. Billy Idol ended up throwing a punch my way and that was kind of cool.

   I actually ended up leaving the even around 16:00. I didn't buy tickets to some of the later signings and I was honestly so tired by then. Plus, I was so hungry. You really don't get to take a moment to eat if you don't plan on it.

   I ended up going out to dinner with Brenda, Kristi Cook, and Chrissy. We went to this Italian family restaurant and had some delicious pizza. Afterwards, we decided to walk the streets of New York, instead of getting a cab and that was just fantastic. We talked and laughed and got turned around a few times. It is definitely one of my favorite memories from this trip.
Keste Pizza and Vino
Washington Square Park
Empire State Building

   Day Two. 

   Or another name would be - OMW IT'S MY SIGNING DAY.

   It started out with coffee and a breakfast sandwich from a local deli. Fuel, baby!
   Then, while we were standing in line, DJ and Amy pushed me WAY out of my comfort zone and made me go down the line, giving out my bookmarks and inviting people to my signing. I can't even tell you how proud I was of myself, because like most authors, I just rather sit and write. Coming up to random people is not my forte.
   I have to be honest, I was excited about the day and all the authors I would meet, but my mind was on my signing pretty much all day. I was bummed we didn't get to Sarah J. Maas line, but people waited more than 2 hours in that line, so it just didn't work out for us.

   Also, more big names were around!
Kathy Reichs!
Jane Lynch
   I also got to meet my girl Rachel Harris. And the awesome Erica Cameron. And Megan Whitmer (who I did not get a picture with. Fail). And Kelsey Macke.

They're so pretty, I can't even handle it!
   Another point of awesome, I got to meet Jesse the Reader, Kat from Katytastic, Christine from PolandBannanasBooks, Ariel Bissett, and Jeremy West. Yes, I'm a huge BookTuber fan and these guys are FANTASTIC. They were the sweetest, while I fangirled all over them, so yeah. That happened.

    And I would insert a picture here but I didn't take one so ALL THE TEARS.

   Then, it was time for my signing.

   I honestly don't even know how to talk about this without tearing up a little. It was the best experience ever. I had a line pretty much as soon as I sat down, and I was out of books in 20 minutes.

    20 MINUTES, people! WHAT????

    I basically have no words. So here are some pictures.

This girl was the sweetest! So glad I got to meet her!
AH! There I am!
A LINE!! Woot woot!

   After the event was over, Amy and I ended up going out to dinner at Times Square. It was awesome to spend time with my CP, talking about books and life in general. She is the best and I am beyond blessed to have her in my life.

Day Three.

   Or another name would be - WHAT WHERE THEY THINKING?

   Seriously, MADNESS. It was the day of BookCon and they just didn't plan this out well because it was way too crazy for words.
Yes, Cassie Clare in the house!

   I did, however, get to meet Lanie from Ginger Reads, Shannon from Cozy Tea Reads, and Kassidy Voinche. I'm a huge fan of them on BookTube as well, so that was lots of fun! They are the sweetest!
(And yes, once again, I've failed at taking pictures. Boo).

   I also got to meet and hang out with two amazing ladies, Vicki Leigh and J.A. Ward. We ended up standing in line for Maggie together. I also met Tawny Bland there, which made me laugh because she's from AZ.
   Sadly, this was my last day at NYC and I had to leave the convention center by 11:30 to make it to the airport on time.
The view from my room. It was hard to say goodbye.
   I cannot even describe the amazing experience I had in the city. I loved being in NYC, I love that city so much, but what made it so much more special are all the amazing people I met.

   I know I'm forgetting names, I'm sorry! I cannot even describe how amazing it was to have people come up to you and know you before you have even introduced yourself. As exhausting and crazy as this experience was, it was the best and it has rejuvenated my author blood and I can't wait to get to know all of these wonderful people better!

  Well, this was a long post! Hope you made it through! I'll be filming and posting a Book Haul video from the event, maybe today or tomorrow.

   Also, if you did meet me, make sure to say hi! I want to keep in touch with all of you beautiful darlings!

   Much love,


1 comment:

Kim said...

This is me...>>>hella jealous over here <<<< -- haha... so glad you had fun and all those images are very good!!
