"...her secret is patience..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yahoo! This is your celebration....

Title courtesy of Kool & The Gang

Seriously cannot begin this blog with anything but a HUGE congrats to Courtney Allison Moulton and Kimberly Derting on the release of their long awaited books today!!! Woohoo!!! *Throws confetti*

 *Runs outside to light some fireworks*

 Yes, its a fireworks kind of a celebration. And lighting them in the house would be a bad idea. 

First of all, everyone MUST go out and buy Angelfire by the lovely Courtney Allison Moulton. This book is outstanding, unique and totally awesome! If you haven’t read my review yet, visit my book review blog and take a gander. Wait, I changed my mind. Don’t waste your time right now on reading the review. Just go buy it and write your own! :)

Second of all, we get more Violet and Jay! YAY!!! I’m so excited about this I cannot even contain myself! *takes a deep breath* I’m in need a paper bag or something. Since I personally know Kimberly I can vouch for the author and the book. Both are amazing!!!
Alright, I think I’ve done my best but in case you missed the whole point of the introduction: Go buy Angelfire and Desire of the Dead right now!!!!
Now I’m officially done! 
Did everyone have a wonderful Valentine’s Day? Mine was just like any other day, with a bit of extra work thrown in. Yes, I definitely know how to party! 
In other news, I’m about to seriously kill some people. Imaginary people that is. Not that its really much different. This plot line is torturing me. Horribly! You’d think it be easier. I mean, come on! I’ve written a book before. This is not my first time at the rodeo. But no, the story just had to get stuck in my head and refuse to come out. That’s right. Refuse! My characters need a serious talking to. Anyone wanna give it a try? Because they completely refuse to listen to me. I really don’t like when I know where I’m going but they refuse to follow. Stubborn.
Anyway, enough about my little rebels. I just wanted to spread some love and complain a little. Now since I’ve done so, I will be going. Boston is calling my name!
Much love,


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