Hello lovelies,
So, it's the end of November. Already. What is happening? Where has the time gone?!
I seriously have no idea what happened to 2013. It's just a blur of work and writing and work and writing.
As you might've noticed, November didn't quiet pan out the way I hoped it would. School and life got in the way and pushed NaNoWriMo right out of the window.
I cried. A little.
Sometimes I wonder how I'm supposed to ever get to where I'm planning on getting to with all these road blocks bursting out of the ground. The book that I was so excited to work on this November hasn't been worked on in three weeks as I tried to finish this Master's class. The queries that I've sent out for my recent book have been coming back with a lot of "no's" attached to them. And on top of all that, I'm feeling a little under the weather.
That's a lot of negative to bring any festive holiday spirit down. Especially when your heart yearns to mark things off your career to do list. Sometimes it becomes so easy to look at all the negative and drown in the discouragement. I mean, we all go through it, and sometimes we deal with it better than other times.
Since it's Thanksgiving Eve, I wanted to write this post simply to reevaluate the discouraging aspects of my life right now and look at all the positive. Because no matter how tough your situation might be, there is always something positive and good to get you through.
1. I am thankful for not getting to write my book in November. I know this may contradict what I just said, but I feel like it's true. Being away from it has given me a new appreciation for my characters and my story. I really truly feel that my babies will come out much better for it.
2. I am thankful for every rejection letter I get. I know what you're thinking, "How can you ever be thankful for something like THAT?" Yes, it may break my heart a little, but at the same time, every rejection is an answer. It may not be an answer I want, but it's an answer. I rather get that, than wonder what in the world happened to that query. The other part of my thankfulness is the simple fact that the rejection means I just haven't found my one fabulous agent yet. It means that he or she is still out there, searching for me just like I'm searching for them. There is a fabulous agent/author love story waiting to happen and I will be part of it someday.
(Also, on the wings of that, I’m hoping to participate in PitchWars this year and make my book ever that much more fabulous).
3. I am thankful for all the people in my life that continue to cheer me on. Guys, every discouraging thing that happens in my life brings my friends and family rallying around me in a flurry of hugs and kisses and warm wishes. I have met so many fabulous people who continue to take the time out of their busy lives to tell me to stay strong, to not give up, to keep smiling because they believe in me. God has blessed me so abundantly and I cannot thank Him more.
I can keep going on and on about the things I am thankful for, but I don’t think you want to read a much lengthier post than this. I am truly excited for the things to come! And I am truly excited that all of you wonderful people are coming with me for the journey. I am thankful for you and all your support.
Just don’t forget, no matter how bleak things may look, the sun’s coming up in the morning. Sometimes, it may be covered by the clouds, but eventually, it’ll break through and light up your life the way it knows best.
Keep on smiling. Keep on working hard. Keep on being your awesome selves.
That’s a reminder for you and for me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs and Kisses,